TOPIC: When God Marvels
DATE: Friday, February 20, 2015
Key Verse: “Why then is this people of Jerusalem slidden back by a perpetual backsliding? they hold fast deceit, they refuse to return” (Jeremiah 8:5).
How would a world where nobody gives or takes instructions look like? Will it be peaceful or chaotic? God is amazed by the attitude of the Israelites who have chosen to act contrary to the knowledge and instructions they have received. He is surprised that they want to continue to pursue a lifestyle that they knew had ruined other people.
In the text today, God expressed wonder at the people of Jerusalem. In spite of the much they knew about God; the love and mercies He had showered on them; the teachings and warnings He had given to them through His holy prophets; the punishments and ruins they had seen Him bring upon others who had lived such sinful and rebellious life; they continued in the act of deliberate rebellion and rejection of His word. It baffled God that lesser creatures like the stork, turtle, crane and swallow are able to observe their time but His people whom He made with higher level of intelligence are not able to read the signs! The people of God, together with their leaders and priests, have deliberately turned their backs on God and have chosen to live an unashamed life of uncontrolled sinfulness. Since they chose to deliberately ignore God, spurn His love and reject His entreaties, God had no option left other than to visit them with judgment.
Is it not a wonder today that there are still many who in spite of what they know about God and His love still walk deliberately away from Him? They go to church, hear God’s word but walk away to continue in their sin. If you choose to take God’s love and grace for granted and continue with a life of deliberate rebellion and rejection of God’s word, you need to be reminded that you will not be spared of God’s judgment.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Let your life please God and not baffle Him!
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Posted by DLBC HQ #PowerOutpour