May The Lord Not Substitute You ~ Pastor Paul & Faith Joshua | 19/2/15

Date: Thurs 19th Feb; 2015

Our Text: Matt 3:9 

“And do not think to say to yourselves, we have Abraham as our father, “for I say to you that God is able to rise up children to Abraham from these stone.”

Our Focus: May The Lord Not Substitute You

What a heart rending prayer for you this morning.Whatever you have the opportunity to do for God and humanity, be careful not to be negligent.Two things can make God substitute you. What are those two things?

(1) Negligence: when you play with your God given talent and opportunities, you will get into trouble before God.  When you constantly neglect your duties in life, God will raise someone less than you do it better. It is dangerous to neglect your duties in life.Give your best in whatever your hand finds to do. Never let your hands to slack otherwise God will replace you with someone willing to do it well.

(2) Arrogance: when you become too pompous to obey instructions you are inviting substitution. Anyone who does not heed to instructions from the higher source is arrogant, such can be substituted. Whatever you are doing for God in your arena, comply with the Lord’s guidelines. Don’t despise your superior or you will be substituted.Arrogance will produced your termination and substitution. When a player becomes arrogant to his coach, he will be out of the field and substituted.

Be careful not to be negligent and arrogant so you don’t get substituted. Do what you are expected to do well and never misbehave to your superior, so you can retain your place of favour in life. I pray for your today ,you will not be careless and arrogant so you don’t lose your place in God!

Negligent and arrogance will produce substitution for you in your life no matter how skillful you are.

Prayer: Father let me not be careless and arrogant at my duty post, so You don’t replace me with stone. Help me to be faithful so I can enjoy more trust from You to carry out other responsibilities for You oh Lord!

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