Date: Fri 26th Dec, 2014
Our Text: “And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary hid mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Our Focus: Boxing [Giving] Day
Boxing Day is simply Gift unraveling Day. I see I as a day to give special gift to Christ. How can you give special Gift to Christ? I will show you briefly.
Give something special to any of the following. I called it 7ps of Christ
1. Prophets: (Matt 10:40-42) Your spiritual Leaders who represent Christ for you.
2. Parents: (Eph. 6:2-3) The biological Instrumental used by God to bring you on earth.
3. Partner in Matrimony: (Eph. 5:25) Your Marital companion position in your life by god to help you in weak and back you fulfill your divine task on earth.
4. Poor People: (Psa. 41: 1-3) Position award you by God to help you stay compassionate and to remind you the grateful on how God brought you out of abject poverty life style. Those include the incapacitated and privileged)
5. Prisoners: (Mat 25: 31-46, Heb. 13:3) these behind bars that have no stand by them. You can be God’s hand to reach out to them.
6. Poor in Health: (Psa. 41:1-3) The sick people can receive a gift of love from you to exit them in their pain, reminding you of the value of health from God.
7. Passersby: (Gen 18: 1-4, Heb. 13: 1-2) You can bless even people you don’t know this season, so by faith you can reach out to someone connected to Christ unknown to you. Christ can be hidden in an unknown person.
I know some of us have done this already but this piece will give better understanding in case you have not done it, take advantage of today BOXING DAY to get ensure or all the above levels. (The 7Ps’ of Christ). This how bet you can demonstrate your love for Christ. You can’t see Him but he is hidden in any of the listed above.
As you obey this, your life will accelerate to a NEW DIMENTION in the year ahead. Greater testimonies shall emerge for you in Jesus Christ name!