It all began with that very first experience in December, 2006. In attendance, that very first night was a whooping 70,000 persons, who had come together from every denomination, tribe, class, creed, and tongue. Their purpose? To lift up one voice in unison of worship to the one true God. This interdenominational gospel concert, was the first ever – the largest musical concert in Africa, and indeed the world. Tafewa Balewa square, the venue of the concert, erupted in a blaze of glory as Christians from all walks of life worshiped and praised God without restraint nor inhibitions. Eight editions after, the Experience concert continues to hold every December, at the Tafewa Balewa square (TBS) - a venue replete with history and significance. It has brought together over 500,000 worshipers from all over the world, local and international gospel acts and renown ministers of the gospel. As another edition prepares to hold in December at the same venue, we need to ask ourselves if we truly understand the importance of worship, or just attend for that ‘feel good’ high and go home unchanged. How do we take advantage of the atmosphere that the Experience offers to key into the depths of the impact God wants to create in us individually, and with us as a nation?
Meaning of worship…
The online Etymology dictionary defines worship as the “condition of being worthy, dignity, glory, distinction, honor, renown.” The primary Hebrew word for worship is shachah, which means “to depress, i.e. prostrate (in homage to royalty or God): bow (self) down, crouch, fall down (flat), humbly beseech, do (make) obeisance, do reverence, make to stoop, worship.” The Greek words for worship are: a. Proskuneo – “meaning to kiss, like a dog licking his master’s hand), to fawn or crouch to, homage (do reverence to, adore): worship.” It occurs 59 times in the New Testament. It originally carried with it the idea of subjects falling down to kiss the ground before a king or kiss their feet. b. Sebomai – “to reverence, hold in awe.” Used 10 times in the New Testament. c. Latreuo – “to render religious service of homage.” Used 21 times in the New Testament. In English, worship literally means to ascribe worth to something. The old English meaning of worship, as a sense of ‘reverence paid to a supernatural or divine being’ was first recorded in c.1300.
Types of worship…