Gospel Hotspot Message: Hold On!

Are there times when you pray for morning not to come? You go to bed at night and when it’s morning you don’t feel like getting out of the bed. You pray and ask God for long life but you are afraid of the long period of pain that comes with it. You want to live but you are at the same time afraid to live. You don’t even know where the money for today’s lunch and dinner will come from. You feel you should move back to your hometown but life is even worse there. You look around you and all you see are selfish beings who care just about themselves.

You have friends and relations who can see you out of that mess but no; they don’t want to see you succeed and they want to bring you down to their standard and make you become a pig like them. You have gone round for a job and all that is left is for you to drop the name of The Lord behind, compromise and get the long searched job. You are now faced with no option than join your friends in that drug or 419 business. You lie on your bed hopeless and helpless amidst endless tears and no one sees it.
My dear friend, I know how it feels because I have been there and I still find myself there sometimes. But all I do is get up, wipe away those tears, and like David, encourage myself in The Lord. I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed beg bread. You may not have it all, but God, our Jehovah, will keep you in perfect peace and He will always make a way whenever you get to that point where you can neither go back nor move forward.

Don't do that drug business. Don’t go into cheating people. Don’t sell your body to those heartless men who are just agents of the devil. Look straight into their eyes and tell them to perish with their money.
The vision is for an appointed time; it may tarry, but please wait. Just like you, I have things I want to do and looking around, its like I must compromise and bring myself down to the standard of this wicked world just to get them actualized. But no; like Shedrach, Mishac, and Abednego said, I know that the God of heaven and earth will deliver me, but even if He doesn’t deliver me, I will not bow to Nebuchadnezzar and his little gods. Like Esther said, if I perish, I perish. Let this be your word today. Hold on to God. I know the pressure from the world is just too much, but you cant afford to betray Christ now. He will exalt you in His own time.
Everything in this world is temporary and they are not worth your eternal peace. Don’t compromise!

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